
DERMOPIGMENTATION > Contraindications   Dermopigmentation treatment, like tattoo and piercing, when carried out in optimal hygienic conditions and well treated in the post-treatment period, excludes any risk of infection from viral diseases like AIDS or hepatitis. On stressed and debilitated people can rarely occour intollerance reactions, caused by an excessive...

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Things to know

DERMOPIGMENTATION > Things to know   Things to know before any submission to a dermopigmentation treatment. The treatment operator be informed and the medical permit must be obtained in case of: Autoimmune diseases Breathing system diseases Hearth and circulatory system diseases Nervous instability states (depression, anxiety..) Allergy to metals or...

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What dermopigmentation is

DERMOPIGMENTATION > What dermopigmentation is   With dermopigmentation, otherwise called permanent, semipermanent or dermopigmentation make-up, is intended the surface pigmentation of the skin through a scratch filled with color. The technique comes from the traditional tattoo but both the tools and the pigments are the result of studies and technologies...

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Полезные Ссылки

ПАРТНЕРСТВО > Полезные Ссылки   A.N.A.A. Associazione Nazionale Alopecia Areata CNA Confederazione Nazionale dell’Artigianato e delle Piccole e Medie Imprese A.S.A.A. Associazione Sostegno Alopecia Areata ONLUS CNA – Associazione Provinciale di Milano Confederazione Nazionale dell’Artigianato e delle Piccole e Medie Imprese – Associazione Provinciale di Milano –...

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Backstage сотрудничает с

ПАРТНЕРСТВО > Backstage сотрудничает с   Mary Stomaci (+39) 338.8528582 [email protected] Estetista Truccatrice Specializzata in trattamenti antiageing, rimodellamento, epilazione LE SPECIALIZZAZIONI: ANTIAGENING, RIMODELLAMENTO, EPILAZIONE Mary Stomaci svolge un protocollo di trattamenti Viso-Corpo personalizzati. Con le tecniche innovative e le formulazioni cosmetiche avanzate, dall’efficacia immediata, si può agire sulle rughe non...

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ДЕРМОПИГМЕНТАЦИЯ > ПРОТИВОПОКАЗАНИЯ   Процедура Дермопигментации, как процедуры татуажа и пирсинга, проведенные в оптимальных гигиенических условиях и при выполнении всех необходимых послеоперационных мероприятий, исключают риск заражения инфекционными заболеваниями, таких как гепатит и спид. Редко выявляются случаи индивидуальной непереносимости процедуры у людей, находящихся в стрессовой ситуации или в ослабленном состоянии, ввиду...

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